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How Chronic Knee Pain Can Lead to Problems in Other Joints

How Chronic Knee Pain Can Lead to Problems in Other Joints

If you’ve suffered any kind of knee injury, you know how much strain limping puts on other parts of your body. Not only does it add pressure to your other leg, but it also stresses the muscles around your back and hips. Over time, this wear and tear can put you at risk of further joint problems, particularly osteoarthritis. 

At The Spine and Sports Center in Sugarland and Houston, Texas, Dr. Benoy Benny provides a wide range of treatments for knee pain and can help you avoid additional joint issues.

Long-term effects of chronic knee pain

Your knee is one of the largest and most complex joints in your body, and bears hundreds of pounds of pressure daily. Because of this, knee injuries have a way of sticking around, causing persistent pain and weakness long after they should have healed. 

People with untreated knee pain often walk with an antalgic gait, known commonly as a limp. This is a pattern of walking where you shorten the stance phase, putting less weight on your affected leg as you do. 

This keeps your weight on your “good” side, reducing pain while you walk and stand. Many people also experience an antalgic lean, the postural equivalent of a limp. This is when you lean to one side to avoid pain in the opposite leg. 

Whether you’ve recently injured your knee or you're bothered by an old injury, you might already feel the effects limping has on other parts of your body. The human body is meant to bear weight on both legs evenly, and living long periods with a limp can lead to additional joint problems, including: 


Chronic knee pain can mean you’re most likely to experience joint problems with the opposite leg, your hips, and your ankles. With treatment and physical therapy, you can alleviate the knee pain causing you to limp and correct your gait. 

Treatments for knee pain

When it comes to knee injuries, it’s best if you see a specialist right away. They can evaluate your condition and determine if surgery is necessary for a successful recovery. While many knee injuries heal with bedrest and gentle exercise, some require surgical intervention to heal properly. 

However, it’s not unusual for people to go without proper treatment for weeks or even years. If your injury was severe, it might have only partially healed, which often leads to chronic knee pain. 

Depending on your circumstances, our team at The Spine & Sports Center will perform various exams and tests to assess the damage to your knee. From there, Dr. Benny will go over your treatment options. Your individualized plan might include: 

Suffering from chronic knee pain? Simply enduring it will only make things worse over time. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Benny, call our location closest to you or book an appointment online today. 

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